Judaism is an experiential religion. When you convert with Park Avenue Synagogue, we bring Judaism to life in the classroom, during sanctuary prayer services, and through cohort cultural experiences.
You will become part of a spiritually vibrant, inspiring, and intellectually engaging community. Your teachers, who are members of our clergy, will guide you on your spiritual journey.
The Steps to Conversion
The steps to conversion reflect this mission:
Complete the 18-week Pathways course
Celebrate a calendar year of holidays
Explore a deepening connection to Judaism through synagogue and at-home rituals
Attend morning minyan, holiday and Shabbat services, including three to four targeted Learner’s Services.
Experience Jewish culture by attending movies, reading books, and going to restaurants, art exhibits, and plays that embrace Jewish culture. Suggested list provided with registration.
Engage in a minimum of four private one-on-one meetings with a designated clergy member for guidance and mentorship.
Meet with a beit din (rabbinic court). This panel of three rabbis will ask you questions such as, “Why did you choose to convert?” and “If I came to your house, how would I know that you are Jewish?” Your sponsoring rabbi will decide when you are ready. But don’t worry, there are no grades. It’s just a thoughtful conversation to deepen your connection to Judaism.
Get immersed in the mikvah (ritual pool). This typically occurs after the beit din and it is used to mark life’s transitions like marriage, childbirth, and conversion.
Study with a rabbi as long as is needed to attain confidence with a basic “literacy” of Judaism.
FAQ About Conversion
Membership & Study
Do I need to be a PAS member?
You don’t have to be a member to take the PAS Pathways course or to go through the conversion process, and membership is not required to participate in weekly Shabbat services and other programs. If you are interested in becoming a member, you can explore the benefits here.
Can I become a member or participate in programs at the synagogue while I am converting?
Yes! We encourage participants to explore the programs offered by Adult Engagement and to consider attending weekly Shabbat services and holiday celebrations.
Can I take an introductory course elsewhere and study for conversion with a rabbi from PAS?
Yes, you can but we encourage you to take our Pathways course so you can build community and get to know Park Avenue Synagogue through your 18-week journey.
Pathways Course
Is Pathways only for those interested in conversion?
No, we recognize people arrive at Pathways at different phases of their journey. Completion of the course is a required step of conversion.
If I take the course, do I need to convert?
You do not have to convert. PAS welcomes interfaith households into our community.
If I am considering conversion, should my Jewish partner also take the course?
We encourage both members of a couple to take the course so that they can experience the discovery process together. It is a meaningful way to begin the experience of Jewish life together.
Is this course only for couples?
Everyone is welcome, with or without a partner.
How long does conversion take?
It takes 10 to 12 months.Living a full year of the Jewish calendar deepens the experience.
How do I get started?