Park Avenue Synagogue seeks to inspire, educate, and support our membership toward living passion-filled Jewish lives. Through spirited prayer, study, observance and acts of kindness we aspire to foster deep connections with each other, our Torah, our God, the people and State of Israel, and our shared humanity.
In practicing a Judaism filled with love, literacy, reverence, compassion, and joy, we strive to make our ancient tradition compelling and welcoming to contemporary Jewry and to serve as a light unto our fellow Jews and the nations.
We happily invite you to be part of the Park Avenue Synagogue community!
To help with your decision, join us for worship services, attend a program or two, come by for a tour . . . we will greet you with open arms.
Honoring Our Past
The Beginning
Park Avenue Synagogue – Agudat Yesharim, The Association of the Righteous – is one of the leading congregations of the Conservative movement. The synagogue’s “family tree” includes several congregations that merged over multiple decades. The earliest of them, Gates of Hope, was founded in 1882. Some twelve years after its founding, the synagogue joined with Congregation Agudat Yesharim, which became the Hebrew name of the merged congregation.