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Sermons by Rabbi Zuckerman
2024 Sermons
To Languish, or to Rebuild (November 16, 2024)
What does one do when there are no signs of approaching miracles or heavenly protection while marching into moments of fear or tragedy? By reflecting on Abraham’s task to sacrifice his son, and more contemporary hardships of the Jewish people, Rabbi Zuckerman uncovers the balance between divine intervention and human agency.
The Way of the Dove (Nov 2, 2024)
During the NYC marathon weekend, Rabbi Zuckerman compares marathon runners to the story of Noah, and reflects on how through hope, resilience, and support, we can help each other reach the finish line and decide our own future.
The Endurance of the Etrog (October 19, 2024)
How have the Jewish people been able to endure and persevere in the face of exile and tragedy? Drawing on themes of the holiday of Sukkot, Rabbi Zuckerman reflects on the revolutionary ideas of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a leading Zionist thinker of the early 20th century.
The Essence of Courage (October 4, 2024)
What does it mean to be courageous, especially during times that, on the surface, call for resignation? Through an exploration of Jewish history, rabbinic thought, and High Holiday liturgy, Rabbi Zuckerman reflects on the bravery that is hard-wired in the DNA of the Jewish people.
The Mountain We Must Climb (September 14, 2024)
How do we move forward when the obstacles at hand seem too great? How do we revive our souls when our faith is wavering? Rabbi Zuckerman applies Amalek's attempt to crush the spirit of the Israelites to the crises, and aspirations, the Jewish people face today.
Know Your Story (June 8, 2024)
Rabbi Zuckerman draws parallels between the Israelites wandering in the desert and the current state of worldwide Jewry, reflecting the deeper meaning behind the census of every Israelite as requested by God, and how we can count ourselves in this same story of our ancient history.
What Makes a Miracle? (April 23, 2024)
What makes a moment in Jewish history, both biblical and not, a miracle? Can what seem to be modern, human interventions be miraculous? Rabbi Zuckerman seeks to answer these questions by reflecting on themes in the Haggadah and times of resilience and survival.
The Excavation of Our History (April 6, 2024)
The Jewish connection to the land of Israel has been threatened with severance since before October 7, yet these attempts have increased since. Through a historical lens, Rabbi Zuckerman explores how the establishment of Israel is the reconstitution of a national home, not colonization.
Under the Stretcher (February 24, 2024)
Israeli society and Jews worldwide need to show solidarity during these times.
Writing Our Next Chapter (January 20, 2024)
What happens when we try to hide, or even undo, our Jewish heritage and identity? It's a story seen throughout history, even told on theater stages. Rabbi Zuckerman explores "The New Jew," who is no longer willing to hide in the shadows of antisemitism, and when to combat hate with love.
2023 Sermons
When the Impossible Becomes Possible (December 2, 2023)
David Ben-Gurion was well aware of the risks he took in founding the State of Israel, yet he pushed on despite his fears.
Don't Look Away (November 4, 2023)
Reflecting on his recent mission trip to Israel, which was both beautiful and heartbreaking, Rabbi Zuckerman reminds us that it is the responsibility of every Jewish person to not look away when our community is suffering, but rather attempt to put out the flames of a world on fire.
The Fork in Your Road (September 25, 2023)
Taking lessons from the unlikely relationship of Ben Hecht and Hillel Kook, and Yom Kippur, Rabbi Zuckerman investigates whether we are asking God to write out our lives like a movie script, or to help us write our own stories with the wisdom of God guiding our hands.
Tethered to Time (September 17, 2023)
Many aspects of our world, from learning to entertainment, seem to be getting faster and faster, resulting in instant gratification through vapid hurrying, but at what cost? Rabbi Zuckerman expresses why much of life requires a deep, intense encounters rather than the feeling of overnight success.
Planting A Tree (September 15, 2023)
Scientist and rabbis alike have investigated what we can learn from trees. Rabbi Zuckerman explores the many metaphors for how people are more like trees than one may have thought, and how these lessons apply to our entrance into the new year.
The Spiritual Alarm (September 9, 2023)
From Biblical times to Maimonides and Theodor Herzl, the Jewish people have always been called on to "wake up" and take action. In anticipation of the High Holidays and Days of Awe, Rabbi Zuckerman calls on us to reflect on our individual choices, so that we may effect change in the world around us as we enter the new year.
The Israelites and Rock & Roll (June 18, 2023)
What do the Israelites, who feared exploring the Promised Land, and Bruce Springsteen have in common? Rabbi Zuckerman elaborates on this surprising, yet legitimate, connection is his latest sermon.
Where Do We Find God Today? (May 27, 2023)
On Shavuot, we celebrate the moment God spoke directly to us, delivering the first ten commandments. Was that the last time God communicated with us? Rabbi Zuckerman reveals how God, and those who are no longer with us, speak to us in modern times.
Kashrut: A Path to Holiness (April 15, 2023)
Enjoy the latest sermon from Rabbi Zuckerman, in which he reflects on the resiliency of the Jewish people and commitment to tradition, even during the most challenging times.
Reflections on Israel (March 25, 2023)
Rabbi Zuckerman reflects on his trip to Israel.
Rabbi Zuckerman: Asserting Our Jewish Pride (February 25, 2023)
Rabbi Zuckerman provides wisdom on how to respond to antisemitism and prejudice in today’s world, using insights from the Torah and beyond.
2022 Sermons
The Weight of History (December 3, 2022)
Jacob and Esau present us with two perspectives of time. We descend down from Jacob which means we play the "long game" when understanding the Jewish story.
The Pleasure of Walks With No Destination (October 22, 2022)
Enjoy this most recent sermon from Rabbi Zuckerman, which he shared live before PAS this past Shabbat.
The Holiday About "Nothing" (October 15, 2022)
Enjoy this most recent sermon from Rabbi Zuckerman, which he shared live before PAS this past Shabbat.
God's Pre-Game Speech to the Israelites (January 10, 2022)
As the Israelites prepare for their journey into the wilderness, God’s first commandment to Moses and Aaron will both surprise and inspire you.
Time to Leave the Ark (October 9, 2021)
Life is meaningful when it is shared with others, when we are in relationship with others. Just as God told Noah, “get out of the ark,” it is time to venture outside, and it is time to remind others that when they are ready, it is safe to do so.