Two key components for the Bnei Mitzvah student are learning the service blessings, torah and haftarah trope as well as the mitzvah project. These recordings will provide a guide for pronunciation and cadence of the Torah and haftarah blessings and the Torah and haftarah trope that will be spoken during the ceremony. Beneath the recordings you will find more information about the mitzvah project.
One Year in Advance
Aleinu Beginning
Aleinu Last Lines
Friday Night
Friday Night
Shabbat Morning
Torah Blessings
Torah Blessings
Torah Tropes
Recorded by Cantor Schwartz.
Torah Trope 1–8
Torah Trope 9-14
Torah Trope 15-19
Torah Trope 20-25
Torah Trope 26-31
Torah Trope 32-35
Torah Trope 36-39
Haftarah Blessings
Recorded by Cantor Schwartz
Birkat Haftarah Rishonah
Birkat Haftarah Achronot Paragraph 1
Birkat Haftarah Achronot Paragraph 2
Birkat Haftarah Achronot Paragraph 3
Birkat Haftarah Achronot Paragraph 4
Birkat Haftarah Achronot Paragraph 5
Birkat Haftarah Achronot Paragraph 6
Haftarah Trope
Recorded by Cantor Schwartz
Haftarah Trope 1–8
Haftarah Trope 9-14
Haftarah Trope 15-19
Haftarah Trope 20-25
Haftarah Trope 26-30
Haftarah Trope 31-34
Haftarah Trope 35-38
Each student is encouraged to do a mitzvah project. This can take many forms – volunteering for an organization, collecting money for a cause, or creating a program to help a need in our or the greater community. Whatever the project, it should be close to each student’s heart, engage them, and provide the priceless feeling of making a difference. Below are some resources to help you find a suitable project If you have any questions, please be in touch with our B'nei Mitzvah Manager, who is happy to provide guidance and support.
Some popular resources for Mitzvah Projects are:
UJA-Federation: Give a Mitzvah - Do a Mitzvah
The Give a Mitzvah–Do a Mitzvah program enables bar and bat mitzvah students to create their own unique mitzvah project that connects their interests and hobbies to UJA-Federation of New York’s work around the world. Alongside a UJA-Federation mitzvah coordinator, participants brainstorm individual projects and then contribute their time, energy, and a portion (or all) of their gifts to this special mitzvah project.
Visit ujafedny.org for more information.
Park Avenue Synagogue Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is a 30-year-old program at PAS, coordinated and run entirely by teens. Volunteers meet on Wednesday afternoons to prepare food packages. On Friday afternoons they distribute packages to hundreds of local families in need.