It is often noted in popular culture that many faiths have a version of “v’ahavta l’rei-acha kamocha” at their foundation – “You shall love your fellow as yourself,” or as Rabbi Cosgrove once expanded, “You shall love your neighbor as they would wish to be loved.” These lyrics ask a follow-up question: How would the world look if we loved like that?
In this song, sung by Cantor Davis, who will soon lead our Purim spiel with equal talent, and Cantorial Intern Sydney Michaeli, let us contemplate the commandment to love each other and its hoped-for results. Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and Happy Purim!
Lyrics: Abigail Pogrebin
Music: Elana Arian
Accompanied by Michael Hey
AV: Oscar Acevedo, Erik van Batavia, Justin Goodman
Video Editor: Terrell Simms