We inspire men of all ages to be more involved in synagogue life through Avodah  (service and prayer), Kehillah  (community participation), and Tzedakah  (charity). 

Join Men's Club

Every male member of PAS is invited to join us. Members pay annual dues of $54 to support programming and events. New members of PAS (within six months of joining the synagogue) pay no dues for their first year of membership.

Last year, the Men's Club decided to embody tikkun olam by adding a fund-raising element to its events.  Over the course of the fiscal year, club events raised over $3,600 for the PAS Food Pantry.  Thanks to the Men's Club members for your contributions and participation! This year, we will raise funds and awareness for the PAS Clergy Discretionary and Welfare Fund.   

Questions?  Email co-chairs Steven Markowicz and Daniel Mesznik at [email protected].